# 1 Inspecting your bird.

You have just killed a bird that you are considering having it mounted? Check it for quality.
Let your bird cool down before wrapping it up for the freezer.
# 2 Wrap and freeze your bird.
The secret to a long lasting bird in the freezer is sealing your bird in multiple layers of plastic bags.
You can use 3 zip-locks bags or a few 13 gallon trash bags work great to prevent air exchange and freezer burn damage.
#4 Migratory Bird tag
You must fill out this tag and send with your bird(s).
# 3 Shipping your bird.

Use a Styrofoam cooler with a couple of ice packs. Then place the cooler inside a box to ship. Ship out on Monday’s ONLY by UPS or FEDEX only to avoid weekend delays.
Never use the Post Office to ship.
We will contact you as soon as your bird(s) arrives. No need for a deposit or poses for your bird at this time. We will contact you when your bird(s) are next to be mounted. At that time a deposit will be required with your pose and base choice.
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